Downwind, Four Green


DOWNWIND, FOUR GREEN is an outcome of the research of VAdm Vinod Pasricha since 1978. He spent years sifting through records, photo albums of the squadron, the archives of the NHQ, collecting valuable inputs and then putting them in order. He has made efforts to verify the data and only then included it in his book.

As a result, the contents of this book are a treasure for enthusiasts, as well as informative for the general reader. Here are some salient features :

Photographs included : 246

Maps/Diagrams/Sketches : 47

Tables giving important data about Seahawks (Not only Indian Navy Seahawks, but of all the navies which flew them) : 37

No of articles/inputs compiled from other Naviators : 57

No of interesting snippets to elaborate the contents including some humourous ones : 65

An Appendix giving exhaustive data about Indian Navy Seahawks.

An Appendix explaining important naval/special terms and abbreviations.

All in all, it is worth reading and enjoying, more than explaining here!